Saturday, July 28, 2018

Grateful for the summer and my love for nature and writing

I have so many topics that I want to share with whoever reads my articles but have not had a minute to write. I am grateful for those who read my thoughts and those who have given me feedback about my articles... I am not really good about marketing what I write but I  surely write when inspired and pretty much is everyday!!. I have notebooks  filled with topics from immigration to Global Warming.

I recently read the story of the Palestinian girl who got shot by a Israeli snipper. I was horrified about how Palestine keeps enduring the oppression of Israelies and how we in the West seem not able to do much. I was sadden to know that surrender, dialogue and Peace is not a word among Israelies and palestinians. I also attended a conference about gun control organized by moms across America. I heard a prominent lawyer talking about immigration law and saw many Americans concerned by the faith of children in detention centers. There is so much to do for the world, I get sad and overwhelmed but also empowered by many who care because I care..

I hope to share soon with all of you what I have read or heard recently. For now, enjoying my son and husband, vacations, the beach, sun, and  The Art of living... Intending you all are having a splendid summer... I dream of the day that all who suffer around the world are seen, are heard and are given the opportunity of Peaceful sunrise and sunset.

Monday, July 2, 2018

Mexico has spoken and has elected a new President

Manuel Lopez Obrador has been overwhelmingly chosen to lead Mexico. 54% of the votes speak of the desire that all mexicans have for change. As a Mexican born, I have mixed emotions.

It is hard to believe in anything other than your spirit when you grew-up in a society that focus on high social class oppressing and forgetting about indigenous roots, and people and exploiting the working class. While growing up in Mexico, I saw that only two political parties always won election. PRI mostly then PAN. Now for a change, a President who started as a member of PRI, then switched to te Democratic Party and ultimately created his own political party. Will he stand by the people or by the so many who have taken advantage of Mexico? We will see when he takes office in December.

 Hope and justice, is all I can wish for a country that still my country. A country that has endure so much oppression and corruption. A rich country that barely increases salaries, a country where the bureaucrats can make more than their share while farmers or working people barely exist. Mexican leaders have had its people hypnotized  with mexican soap operas and soccer for ages but that did not stopped Mexicans  who voted for change. Now we got to wait and see if Lopez Obrador is for the people and not for corruption.

Corruption is a phrase that Mexicans seem to got acostumed  due to fear. Killings, kidnappings seem to cause the fear effect that will paralized anyone. Journalist and politicians have been killed without impunity.   I read that elected president Obrador platform is focused on ending corruption and taking away the power from the wrong hands. I certainly want to see that happening.  For starters,  a more educated and well trained Police department who is not well know by " La mordida" but by their service to the community.

I read that he is focusing on the poor, the youth and the elders. If all his words become actions ,I will be overjoyed to see that Mexico my first home, the home to my family and friends will finally have  a leader who believe in change and treat his people with dignity..

Reverting the privatization of Mexican water should be one big priority. Many of us  will be waiting  to see the promises into action. Mexicans want real change the kind that will take half of Mexican population out of poverty. Perhaps selling the presidential plane, reducing politician salaries will be part of the change. We can only wait and see it happening.

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Tea with Alice Paul

This 4th of July I will remember the legacy of the women who campaigned tirelessly for women vote and rights. " Tea with Alice and Me" an opportunity to learn more about the suffragete movement. I truly enjoyed the monologue of Zoe Nicholson. By re-visiting with Alice Paul activism we got to know Two militant visionaries that invites us all to lead, resist, persist and do something for change and justice.